Climate and tourism
Sunrise over the Mekong in Don Det, during the monsoon.
Island with colorful clouds at dusk and sunrise in Don Det, view from BABA guesthouse.
Temperatures and hours of sunshine
Average minimum and maximum temperatures in Don Det over the year
Average monthly hours of sunshine over the year in Don Det
Rains and humidity
The dry season in Don Det occurs between October and April, and the monsoon from May to September.
There is usually no rain at all between November and March,
and the sun shines every day.
During the monsoon, the weather can change very quickly and very often. There are no reliable forecasts in Don Det, but it never rains all the time.
Most often, the thunder comes at the end of the day at about 4pm, the wind blows a lot, and the rains fall rapidly. After one hour or two, it stops, and the day after
it can be sunny. Sometimes the sun shines for one week or more everyday during the monsoon, the sky is blue, and it can be hot like in the dry season. The
electricity cuts are common in Don Det when the thunder strikes, but they are relatively rare during the dry season.
Average monthly precipitation over the year in Don Det
Average humidity over the year in Don Det
Seasons and tourism
The table below shows the average pourcentage of visitors coming in Don Det by month over the year.
Months | Season | Pourcentage of travellers / year |
Jan | High | 14 % |
Feb | High | 18 % |
Mar | High | 13 % |
Apr | Middle | 7 % |
May | Middle | 5 % |
Jun | Low | 3 % |
Jul | Middle | 6 % |
Aug | Middle | 8 % |
Sept | Low | 3 % |
Oct | Middle | 6 % |
Nov | Middle | 7 % |
Dec | High | 12 % |
The price of the rooms in most of the guesthouses change in function of the season.
Between December and March, it is highly recommended to book your nights in advance, and it
can be also necessary in August and other months.